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Dates for your Diary

Easter Bingo - Friday 22nd March

Please order bingo books via SchoolMoney.

Dr Maryhan Talk - Wednesday 28th Feb

Please click here to book a place.

Movie Nights - Thursday 22nd & Thursday 29th Feb

Please book tickets via SchoolMoney

Savernake School Trip - Wednesday 21st Feb

We are pleased to say that a school trip has been organized for Savernake class to visit Stonehenge to enrich their history knowledge on Wednesday 21st February.

The cost of the trip will be £12 per child.

The Stonehenge site can be windy and is exposed, so please ensure pupils wear their school uniform plus a
warm coat. Footwear: Wellies or trainers (or walking boots if you have them), plus pair trainers to go home in.
Payment for the trip will be available on SchoolMoney and will be required to be paid by Friday, 16th February.

School Performance – Tuesday 5th December @2.30pm

This Christmas, children in Silbury Class will be putting on a performance of ‘A Bundle of Joy’. We are prioritising tickets to those who have children in Silbury, then Sarum and then Nursery. If we have any additional tickets, these will be available on a first come first served basis. 

Mulled wine, tea/coffee, soft drinks and mince pies plus raffle tickets for Christmas raffle will be available to purchase from 2pm (cash/card accepted). 

To keep the Christmas and Summer school performances looking as spectacular as possible, we would like to kindly ask attendees for a small monetary donation to help with the costs of replacing costumes and props. A donation bucket will be available at the entrance to each performance.   

Please click here to pre-book your tickets (initially limited to 2 tickets per child due to space available).

Family Christmas Lunch – Thursday 7th & Friday 8th December

We only have a handful of adult places left on either day, so if you haven’t yet ordered a lunch please visit the ‘Shop’ section on SchoolMoney. Please ensure you select the date that matches your child’s allocated sitting.

Children’s Chocolate Tombola – Monday 11th December

Children can attempt to win chocolate and sweets on the tombola stall run by staff in school time – 50p a go. Please can money be put in a named envelope. 

Whole School Christmas Disco – Monday 11th December @ 5pm – 6pm

Tickets are now available to purchase on SchoolMoney. Please see the poster attached.

Nursery children are to be accompanied by an adult.

Fabulous Finish – Friday 15th December @ 2.30pm

Children from each class will be doing a short presentation on a topic they have learned this term and you will have the opportunity to look around your child’s class and view their work. 

Parents/carers will need to pre-book their attendance here

Class Parties - Wednesday 20th December  

Children are welcome to come wearing party outfits or Christmas jumpers on their class party day. 

A list of food will be available from your child’s class teacher the week before. All food must be pre-packaged shop bought items (i.e. not homemade or pre-cooked at home). Children entitled to free school meals (benefit related or Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children) or have paid for a lunch will be provided with buffet food from the school kitchen.    

There will be no PE on the last day of term.
