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Emmanuel Collaboration

St Barnabas CEVC Primary School is part of a formal collaboration, the Emmanuel Collaboration, which includes four local primary schools.  Working closely together, we aim to ensure the very best possible provision for all our children without having to sacrifice any independence.


As part of the collaboration we benefit from training and support for all our staff, teachers, teaching assistants and support staff.  Our children benefit from working and forming friendships with children from the other schools.  As the majority of the children move onto Lavington School this ensures a smoother transition into the next phase of their education.


Each year the Headteachers and Governors of the Collaboration Schools come together to agree priorities for all the schools.  These are translated into Action Plans which are implemented and monitored throughout the year. Shared improvements over the past two years have included a focus on Boys Writing, Supporting Disadvantaged children and Mastery in Mathematics.
