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In Science we aim to develop children’s natural curiosity and excitement.  Through our curriculum we give them first hand opportunities to explore the world around them and develop scientific skills: questioning, observing, predicting, hypothesising, evaluating and fair testing.  Emphasis is put on practical work and making sense of what has been found out.


Useful Links


Discovery kids - Games, videos, exploration and a very good Facebook feed with current events.

The Science Museum - the best science museum in the world lets you explore and discover parts on line.

Extreme Science - find the biggest, baddest and best in the world of science!

Kids Gardening - the science of getting out in the garden and growing!

Planet Pals - discover more about our planet and how to help to keep it green.

Science for Kids - a great site from New Zealand.

Science made simple - get active with these great science projects that can be done at home.

Strange science - a history of paleontology and biology.

