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Pupil Premium

At St Barnabas we are firmly committed to ensuring that all children regardless of their background are entitled to meet their full potential both academically and pastorally. All schools receive an amount of money on an annual basis direct from the Government known as the Pupil Premium. Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


The Pupil Premium Grant was set up by the government in January 2011. The government believes that it is socially unacceptable for children’s success to be determined by their social circumstances and is working to raise the levels of achievement for all disadvantaged pupils, closing the gap between them and their peers.  Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of qualifying pupils. Schools can then decide how it is spent, as they are best placed to assess the needs of the individuals within their care.It means that the school will receive additional funds for children who are eligible to receive free school meals or who have received free school meals within the past six years. 


You are entitled to Free School Meals if you are in receipt of

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
  • National Asylum Seekers Support
  • Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Universal Credit (income dependent)

The Government provides all schools with Pupil Premium Funding.


Pupil Premium is made up of grants allocated for children who are, or have been, in receipt of Free School Meals, are Looked After and children from Service families.


It is now a statutory duty for a school to report on how this allocation of money has been spent and the impact this has made as clarified by the tables below.


It is important to understand that it is not just these children who receive this kind of support, all children who are identified as having a need are also allocated such provision within classes and on an individual basis. However, it is only on the Pupil Premium Grant children that we have to report.


The headteacher will report formally on the progress of this groups of pupils as part of her termly report to Governors and the eveluation will then be accessible from the link below.


Please click on the links below to access the reports on our Pupil Premiums:-
