We are passionate about the developments children make in mathematics. Children in all year groups are introduced to new concepts by exploration, explanation, clarification, practice and application over time. We aim for a balance between mathematical fluency (arithmetic), reasoning and problem solving in order to ensure that our children are able to apply the skills that they learn in the classroom to everyday life.
Children take part in a morning math session and a mathematics lesson each day. We attach great importance to the development of both mental and practical mathematics as an aid to understanding. We follow a Teaching for Mastery approach in mathematics with children building coherent learning with small steps based on: representation and structure; mathematical thinking; variation and fluency.
By creating a rich and exciting mathematical curriculum, we aim to create budding mathematicians, who have deep conceptual understanding of number and a desire to tackle a range of problems in order for them to become life-long mathematicians.
From the time children enter our school we aim to give them mathematical experiences from which they derive pleasure and enjoyment. In promoting this positive attitude we are able to teach the necessary skills and basic facts at the appropriate stages.
Through enquiry and discovery we develop children’s understanding of mathematics and their awareness of its uses in the world beyond the classroom.
Our Calculation Policy clearly demonstrates calculation strategies appropriate for each year group.
"The school are undertaking the embedding phase of the Mobius Math's Hub Support package, and this ensures the school's chosen approach to Math, Power Maths, is being robustly embedded into whole school practice."
School Improvement Advisor June 2022