ICT has become a key skill in our rapidly changing world. At St Barnabas we teach both specific computer skills which are used to support learning in all areas of the curriculum as well as Computing, using Purple Mash. All classes have computers and iPads in their rooms. In addition to these, all classes have regular access to the ICT suite which can be used throughout the day, regardless of what lesson is being taught. Children are taught safe use of the internet, with each class teaching an 'E-Safety', and children are protected through a security system which prevents access to inappropriate sites. Alongside computer work children are also taught to use programmable robots, digital still and video cameras and tape recorders. These are then used appropriately to record and demonstrate learning across the curriculum.
All classrooms and school hall are equipped with an interactive white board.
Useful Links
Scratch - a very good site to learn how to code and make you own games - great way to learn and play