Early Help Offer
Early help refers to the offer of any information, advice or support to children, young people and their families as soon as possible in their lives, or when issues emerge, to help prevent problems from escalating.
At St Barnabas CEVC Primary School this is some of the early help we offer you:
- Parent/carer ‘drop in’ – come and see Mrs Clough (appointments not always needed), if you need support with your child’s learning, behaviour or anything else that you may be worried about.
- Talk Time – if your child has any worries encourage them to go and speak to Miss Coakley our ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Adisor) Talk Time is a children’s drop in and is available throughout the school week.
- Early Support Assessment (ESA) - an ESA involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. Based on what you say and what help you would like, a plan is formulated so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help. Mrs Clough/Mrs Young meet with parents/carers to carry out ESA.
- Hold family support meetings – some parents/carers don’t feel comfortable having a Family Outreach Worker so we offer family support meetings through school. Mrs Clough and Mrs Mason (Parent Support Advisor) lead the meetings, inviting the relevant agencies so that we can all work together to give you and your family the support you need.
- Refer to outside agencies such as: Family Outreach Team, parenting courses, our School Parent Support Advisor and Devizes Children's Centre.
- Support to complete forms and other paperwork such as: admissions to high school and Disability Living Allowance.
Parent Support Advisor
Parenting is not an easy job and it doesn’t come with a handbook!
Dawn Mason is our PSA. Her role is to help and give advice about many issues facing parents today. She is here to support your child to get the very best from school by providing guidance and a listening ear. Dawn will be able to help you with any worries you may have about your child, and provide advice.
What does our Parent Support Adviser do?
It would be hard to make a definitive list but she will help with such issues as:
- Parental/ Family concerns
- Behaviour Management
- Emotional wellbeing
- Parent confidence building
- Bullying
- Child/ Parent relationship breakdown
- Settling in and times of transition
- Coping with bereavement and trauma
- Dealing with friendship worries and much more.
- Accessing support when families face a wide range of issues such as: eviction, unemployment, domestic violence, mental health crises.
The PSA also liaises with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) on issues relating to attendance and punctuality. When a child’s attendance or punctuality becomes a concern, the first contact will usually be Dawn.
In addition to working with individual families, the PSA also organises parenting courses on a variety of issues, some in response to issues that arise, some in response to parental requests and some of general interest. Sometimes, parents from other local schools join in.
How does our Parent Support Adviser do this?
- offering one to one support
- listening to parents/carers and giving confidential support and guidance
- providing information about other relevant services
Why might you need to use our Parent Support Advisor?
My child is having difficulties settling into school…My child is anxious about school…My child’s behaviour is getting out of hand…I have got lots of questions about being a parent…I just need someone I can talk to…I’m really worried about my son/daughter’s self-esteem…I would like to know who else I can talk to about my situation….
How do I contact the Parent Support Advisor?
Dawn is usually in the playground before school on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You can speak to her directly there or you can phone the school office to make an appointment or email her directly at PSA@st-barnabas.wilts.sch.uk or call her on 07340 866562.