Pupil Voice
Head Students
At the start of year 6, the class teacher selects three pupils from their class, that has been displaying the School Values and the rules of Our School Charter of being ready, respectful and safe.
Head Students aim to be helpers for the staff and offer a role model for other pupils.
As Head Students we….
- Look out for people who are upset and comfort them, letting an adult intervene when needed.
- Believe respect is gained through giving respect. We encourage this mutual respect through the way we speak and the body language we portray.
- Applied for this role and wear a Head Student badge with pride to show others who we are and to remind us of our responsibilities.
- Meet on a half termly basis where we can discuss issues and ideas with Mrs Clough.
- Think our job is to support every member of St Barnabas including pupils, staff and other visitors to the school.
- Will often be asked to perform other responsibilities such as showing parents around on open evening, give tours to visiting adults and helping out at community events. We conduct ourselves maturely and responsibility during these times as we are representing St Barnabas, a school we a proud to be in.
Our intent:
- We are aiming to maintain our school as a helpful, supportive environment where younger pupils look up to older children and are given a role model to follow
- We are working to develop our own skills of responsibility, resilience and respect by helping with different duties around the school. These range from supporting pupils who look upset on the playground, helping staff with tasks around the school and encouraging healthy eating choices in the lunch hall.
- We learn more about our duties each day and work hard to improve the role we play in school. We have pride in giving back to the school that has played a large part in our lives.
- We want to increase the trust and respect we have from staff in order to prepare us for similar roles in further education and employment.
Our Worship Committee are made up of nominated members of each class and teaching staff. The Worship Committee meet at least once a fortnight to discuss various topics such as whole school worship, prayer spaces and our school values.We want to help make sure our Christian Values of Courage, Hope, Compassion and Respect can be seen at work in our School.
Some of the achievements of the worship committee include:
- Involved in planning and delivering whole school worship (worship warriors)
- Consulted over whole school values (Hope, courage, compassion and respect) and designed our values hot-air balloon
- Evaluated whole school worship
- Evaluate Reflection Areas
- Chosen their favourite bible quotes to be displayed around school
- Written a whole school prayer (displayed in the school hall)
- Deciding school songs for all assemblies
Our Aims are:
Our role is to help our school evaluate collective worship and find ways to develop its Christian character. We also want to make sure there are special areas, both inside and out, where people can reflect and say prayers. We want to support our school as we develop our different values each term.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
- to create school artwork to be displayed in the hall for Worship
- to read prayers and Bible readings
- to lead whole school worship
- to host special worship events such as the Carol service
- attend weekly Worship Group meetings
- feedback ideas for themes for worship, prayers and hymns
- to promote faith in our school
- help lead on school charitable work such as the Harvest collection