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About Us

Welcome to the St Barnabas Church of England (VC) Primary School website which we hope you will assist you in finding out about our school and our Nursery Class. By providing links to important documents such as newsletters, curriculum information and school policies, our website is intended to be a useful tool, not only for existing pupils' families, but also for those who would like to find out more about our school. We are open to feedback so please let us know if you feel something is missing.



Welcome to St Barnabas CEVC Primary School, a Church of England school in the heart of Wiltshire.  My name is Lindsay Clough, and I am proud to be Headteacher of such a fantastic educational establishment.

At St Barnabas, we are proud of our church roots and celebrate that we are a school for children of all faiths and none.  A school that is based on a Christian vision and values and is determined to provide a high quality education to all pupils. A school that is inclusive of all pupils and is relentless in developing the whole child. 

Our vision guides us all to work diligently, act generously and to seek peace at all times.  This is evident through:

  • the high quality work our pupils produce, facilitated by our experienced and dedicated team of staff
  • our charity and community work which we encourage all pupils to actively engage with
  • the range of activities we have in place to encourage healthy competition, turn taking and to ensure engaging activities at break and lunch times to prevent arguments


Our values of Courage, Hope, Respect and Compassion are evident through the behaviours you will see across the school and the pupils’ dedication to serve others with humility, recognise when they may have done wrong and to forgive others.  We build good relationships with all our families, and have recently received an Investors in Families Award due to creating a close community and having an effective partnership with parents. Older children support the younger ones in a variety of ways, helping newcomers to feel secure and enjoy their time with us. All our children are taught to share a sense of respect and responsibility towards each other.

Our curriculum motto of ‘Broadening Horizons’ ensures we fully immerse our pupils into rich learning experiences and ensure we provide pupils with opportunities that some families may find difficult.  Whether this is a day trip to London to participate in a national concert or visiting Salisbury Cathedral, we strive to create memorable experiences that not only will the children remember for a lifetime but also enriches their learning.  

Thank you or your interest in our school. I do hope that our website ( and prospectus provides you with information regarding our wonderful school and all that we can offer.  If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate in contacting us – I would love to show you around.


Lindsay Clough, Headteacher


Joining our school

Starting school in Nursery or Reception for the first time is a milestone in a child's life. Other children join us from local schools, by moving into our area from other parts of the UK or abroad. Everyone is welcome:
