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SEN & Disability Policy and SEN Information Report

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities



All Wiltshire Local Authority (LA) maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and are supported by the LA to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.  All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.  The four broad ‘areas of need’ are Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, and Sensory and Physical Needs.


What is the Local Offer?

Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. This is the 'Local Offer'.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents and carers in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. More information on the identification and support provided for children identified as having special educational needs can be found in the school’s SEND local offer, which is available by clicking on this  link Wiltshire Local Offer


St Barnabas CEVC Primary School

St Barnabas Primary School is an inclusive school. We ensure that all pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life throughout our school. There is a Special Educational Needs policy which is available to read by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.


A child or young person may be identified as having Special Educational Needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. We understand that in some pupils, SEND can be identified at an early age and for other pupils it can emerge later. All members of staff who work closely with pupils are alert to possible emerging difficulties and will raise any concerns they have regarding a child’s development.


All staff are alert to persistent disruptive or withdrawn behaviours. These may not necessarily be SEND but may lead to an assessment to determine if there are any un-diagnosed learning difficulties, mental health issues or communication difficulties, or if housing, family or other domestic issues may be contributing to presenting behaviours. If this is the case, the Parent Support Advisor, Mrs Dawn Mason, will contact you and discuss the interventions and support that our we can provide. Should it be required, a multi-agency approach may be used to support the pupil and family using the Early Help assessment process or referrals to external services such as Educational Psychologists, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), The Children's Centre, Speech and Language team, Occupational Therapy and ASD / ADHD assessment teams. The referral process to these agencies requires Teaching staff, Parents and the Pastoral Team to work closely together for the benefit of the child.


If your child is identified as having Special Educational Needs, in addition to high quality classroom teaching, they will receive a specific programme of SEN Support. This may include specific small group work, specialist group or 1:1 support from outside agencies or individual support for specified high needs. This will follow the Code of Practice (2014) graduated approach of Assess – Plan – Do – Review. At all stages of this process, it is vital for parents to be involved in supporting their child.


In certain instances where a child does not make expected progress despite interventions, the school or parents can request that the Local Authority carry out a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. After the school has sent in the request, the Local Authority will decide whether they think your child’s SEND needs to seem complex enough to need a statutory assessment. If this is the case, they will ask you and all professionals involved with your child to write a report outlining your child’s needs. If they do not think your child needs this, they will ask the school to continue with the support already being provided.


After the reports have all been sent in, the Local Authority will decide if your child’s needs are severe, complex and lifelong. If this is the case, they will write an Education Health Care Plan.

St Barnabas SEND Information Report

How will St Barnabas CEVC Primary School support my child to achieve their full potential? Who will oversee, plan and work with my child and how often will this happen?


• Our SENCO oversees all support and progress of any child needing additional support in school.
• As a whole school we aim that all children with special educational needs have their needs met to the best of our ability with the funds available.
• Your child’s class teacher will oversee and plan work within their class setting to aim to ensure that progress is made in every area.
• A teaching assistant may work with your child, either individually, or as part of a group, if this is seen as necessary by the SENCO and your child’s class teacher. The regularity of these sessions will be explained to you when support starts.
• Sometimes, specialist support from outside agencies (i.e. Speech and Language Therapists) will be sought for your child if, after discussion between yourselves and the SENCO, this is thought to be appropriate. The regularity of these sessions will be explained to you when support starts.


How is SEND recorded in school and my child’s progress monitored?


• If it has been agreed, in partnership with yourselves, to place your child on the SEND register, then they will either be assessed as needing a 'My Support Plan’ or an 'Education Health Care Plan' (EHCP) depending on their level of need.
What is a My Support Plan?

A My Support Plan  is Wiltshire's way of supporting young people who do not meet the criteria for a My EHC Plan.

At this level, a Lead Worker will not be involved, but a My Support Plan can be completed by an educational setting or another professional working with a young person and used to plan and co-ordinate their support.

Who will have a My Support Plan?

My Support Plans are person centred and outcome focused. This means they are designed to concentrate on individual needs and prioritise the things that important to, and important for, an individual. If used properly, My EHC Plans and My Support Plans should evolve with an individual.


What should you do if you think your child needs a My Support Plan?

Talk to the class teacher or SENCo in the first instance. Although Wiltshire Local Authority SEND Lead Worker will not be involved in writing a My Support Plan, because it is not statutory, they may still be able to give advice if you call our Single Point of Contact (01225 757 985)


What is the connection between a My EHC Plan and a My Support Plan?

A My Support Plan is not a legally binding plan, so not all schools will complete one and some will have their own approach to this level of support. However, Wiltshire Local Authority have tried to design a My Support Plan to match up as closely as possible with a My EHC Plan, so that if a young person’s needs increase, their support can be delivered without interruption.


Who will explain this to me and help me to support my child’s learning?


• The school will keep you informed about your child’s progress with twice yearly parent’s evenings and an annual written report. Your child’s class teacher will explain their expectations for your child and how he or she will be supported to achieve them.
• If your child has a ‘My Plan’ to help accelerate support and progress then you will meet with the SENCO at least three times a year to work together and agree next steps for your child.
• In addition to this we are always keen to hear of any questions you may have or share any special celebrations of your child’s progress at any point throughout the year. You are always welcome to make an appointment with either your child’s class teacher or the SENCO at any time. Please do this by ringing or emailing the school office on 01380 813436 or


How will my child’s voice be heard?


• As a Church school we celebrate diversity, respect children’s rights and encourage children to honour their responsibilities. Regular class Personal, Social and Health Education activities, supported lunchtime groups and an organised school council all provide regular forums in which children can share their opinions in an open context. Classes all also have their own agreed arrangements for how to share thoughts, worries and ideas on a one to one basis.
• Children working on intervention programmes will discuss their targets with the teacher or teaching assistant leading them.
• Children with a My Plan or Education Health Care Plan will, when appropriate, be invited to contribute to the review meetings. Where it isn’t fitting for them to be present, their views will always be sought beforehand with the help of a supportive and trusted adult.


Accessibility of the setting environment


The site is accessible for wheelchairs. Although there are steps within the building there are ramps in place at the site to allow access to the building.


We have a modern and well equipped disabled toilet which is large enough to enable changing.

At St Barnabas CEVC Primary School we ensure that we offer an ASD friendly school environment and approach to learning. All of our classrooms are designed to be Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) friendly with visual timetables and clear prompts on display. We believe in early identification and intervention of additional needs. We work with parents of children who display signs of ASD to put provision in place to remove barriers to emotional wellbeing, learning and social interaction. In some cases where intervention has not successfully removed barriers and the child continues to struggle, we carry out a referral to the Wiltshire Children's Community Services. This referral requires the school and parents to work together over two terms to complete a questionnaire and gather evidence of what has worked for the child and what remains a concern. This evidence is then submitted to the pathway and will be triaged to decide if the child requires further assessment. 

At St Barnabas CEVC Primary School we offer a range of approaches and strategies to children with ASD. These include visual approaches to communication, social communication groups, use of clear, unambiguous language, play therapy, quiet spaces, sensory aides, visual timetables, checklists,  alternative ways of recording, work buddies, short sensory breaks and regular check ins with an adult. 


Activities outside of the classroom, including school trips


At St Barnabas CEVC Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that we are inclusive to the needs of all children. Trips are carefully planned and the needs of the group are assessed at the planning stage. Where possible, extra resources are put in place to allow every child to take part, e.g. ensuring there is an extra adult to supervise a child on a 1:1 basis if needed.


Social / out of school opportunities


The school organises various events throughout the year, such as school discos and film nights. There are also a variety of clubs run over the year by outside agencies and by staff within the school. Examples from last year include: netball, cross country, dance, football, athletics, Times Tables Rockstars, gardening, art and drawing clubs,  book clubs, cookery clubs, and many others. If additional support is required in order to access an activity, school will provide staff or volunteers.


Supporting children’s social development


Each class teaches PSHE weekly to the whole class. Support is given to individuals and groups as issues arise. Where a need is identified that is additional to the support given in class, Social Skills groups are set up for groups of individuals to take part in. We also currently have regular Nurture Group sessions that are run by a teaching assistant trained in emotional literacy.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child/young person’s needs?


The needs of the majority of children will be met in the classroom. In all classes teachers are responsible for the teaching and learning of all pupils, including those with SEND. They ensure that the work is appropriately planned and differentiated so all children can access it. Teaching assistants (TAs) or the teacher may be allocated to work with the pupil in small focus groups or 1:1 to target more specific needs. Where appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slope or pencil grips.


For some children it will be necessary for them to spend time in small group work or being withdrawn from the classroom for specific, timed activities related to the needs identified in their ‘My Plan’. This may be delivered by the teacher or teaching assistant and will complement classroom work so that the skills, knowledge and understanding will be transferred to the classroom. The SENCO will oversee this provision.


Who can I talk to / how, if I am not happy with what / how my child is learning?


The class teacher will meet with parents/carers two times a year, where parents/carers are provided with termly progress reports as well as reporting comprehensively on your child’s progress in their annual report. For children on the special educational needs register, further review meetings will be held with the SENCO and class teachers.  


If you are unsure at any time, please talk to us. Your first port of call should always be your child’s class teacher. Together, you can then decide whether it is a matter for the SENCO or whether the issue can be dealt with by yourself and the class teacher. You are more than welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher or SENCO through the usual channels.


What Specialist Support and Expertise can St Barnabas Offer?

Our SENCO is fully qualified and accredited in line with Code of Practice requirements.

Termly SEND Surgeries for parents and carers to find out more about particular SEND concerns. 

Our teachers are all trained in how to make their classrooms and lessons accessible to all and have a wide and varied SEND background.
Our teaching assistants (TAs) share an extensive experience of many different SEND needs and all teaching assistants have dedicated areas of expertise in which they lead interventions across the whole school
A TA trained in Emotional Literacy support (ELSA) who provides intensive nurture and social skills support alongside the curriculum.
An TA trained in Narrative Therapy to support speech and language.
Regular and established links to specialist learning support provided by Wiltshire Council specialist teachers.
Regular and established links to behaviour support specialists provided by Wiltshire Council.
Regular and established links to Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (PCAMHS) based at Melksham Hospital.
Regular and established links to an occupational therapist.
Regular and established links to a named Educational Psychologist.
Links to child counselling service.
A named school nurse to advise and support with medical needs.
Trained first aiders in school.
A lunchtime team led by a playleader trained in resolution focused outcomes.
A Parent Support Advisor able to lead and enable access to counselling, parenting courses, signpost to family therapy and adult mental health services and offer long term support to families with children with SEND.


How are school staff trained to manage SEND?

The SENCO provides regular training to school staff at staff meetings, TA meetings and on training days.
The SENCO attends regular training provided by specialists in SEND and also attends local SENCO cluster groups.
Outside agencies come into school or organise local cluster groups to provide training in their own specialist fields (i.e. visual support for children with ASC).
If specific training is required to meet the needs of your child (i.e. specialist medical training) then the SENCO will liaise with outside professionals and yourselves to ensure that this happens.
The SENCO is responsible for ensuring that resources and provision is effective. This is monitored through on-going analysis of progress and reported in the SENCO’s reports to governors.


How are the governors involved and what are their responsibilities?

The SENCO reports to the governors at least twice a year to inform them of progress being made by children with SEND. This report does not refer to individual children and confidentiality is maintained at all times.
One of the governors is named as having responsibility for SEND and meets regularly with the SENCO to ensure that they are informed of all progress and needs for the future. They also report back to the wider governing body. The Governor with responsibility for SEND is Jardine Broom.




Our school is aware that when it is time for a child to move schools or year groups these transitions are key times and need to be planned for to ensure it is as smooth as possible.

We like to have had records sent from the previous school or nursery and to have spoken to the parents and/or SENCO to know about any special arrangements that need to be made for your child.
We would like you to arrange for your child to visit our school before their first day. If your child is moving into Reception from nursery education your child will have planned induction visits.


If your child is moving to another school:

We will contact the SENCO to pass on key information about your child and to inform them of any special arrangements for your child.
We will pass your child’s records onto the new school as soon as possible.


When your child moves year groups and/or classrooms:

Information about your child will be passed onto their new teachers.
Our school has a ‘Meet the teacher’ session for the children to meet their new teachers as a whole class.
Parents have an opportunity to meet their child’s teacher within the first week of a new school year.
If your child needs more support with transitioning to their new class, we will support these special arrangements for your child.


In Year 6:

Our Year 6 class teacher and the SENCO meet with the Year Group Leaders and/or SENCOs of the feeder Secondary Schools. At these meetings key information about your child is passed on and a discussion is held if your child needs extra support with their transition. 
Your child will have an induction day at their new school with the rest of the of the Year 6’s transitioning to the same school.
If you child would benefit from extra visits and contact with their new Secondary School please speak to your child’s class teacher and this can be arranged.
If your child is moving to a Secondary School further afield then please let your child’s class teacher know and they along with the SENCO will pass key information over.


Questions from young people


The child is at the heart of everything we do and therefore their feelings and responses to the new way SEND is delivered must be taken into consideration.


The children will obviously have many questions that will need to be answered. Some of these might already be covered within our general information pages or welcome packs. However, as these issues specifically relate to anxieties and concerns felt by the young people with SEND, we will endeavour to answer those questions as and when they arise.


The Local Offer

Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.


The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.  Information is published as part of the SEND reforms under the Children and Families Act 2014.
