Class Blog
WC 4.11.24
This week Stonehenge have been focusing on the words co-operation, consideration and compromise. We looked at how to be assertive and had a go at using our body language and voice to do so.
In music, we focused on the song Happy by Pharrell Williams, pupils have selected a range of instruments including their voice. We split into two groups and layered our voices.
Year 6, continued their reading support with our reception pupils. They have built beautiful bonds and relationships with their reading buddy.
We have had a very busy and interesting week in Stonehenge this week. On Tuesday, we visited Lavington School to watch their amazing production of High School Musical. It was fabulous and loved all the acting, singing and dancing.
On Wednesday, we had our PSHE session with the lady from SCARF, we talked about keeping ourselves safe online, road safety and the children developed ways to calm their minds.
On Thursday, we experienced the most amazing Science session with the educational staff from the Crofton Pumping Station. The children used water pumps and built their own models. They showed brilliant understanding of the science behind the learning and they loved all the different elements of what they were doing. What a fabulous session!
We finished our week with a special culture sharing session with some of our new friends from Dauntseys School. We welcomed some Year 10 pupils who talked about the countries they were from and the children learnt about Ukraine, China and Japan. All of the children had a wonderful time together and learnt so much from each other.
What a week!
Another brilliant week in Stonehenge class. We have started learning about the story of the Trojan Horse in History and the events that led to it. The children have developed a great knowledge and understanding of the ten-year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The children will now look at a range of sources and decide if the story of the Trojan Horse actually happened!
On Friday, we were visited by the I can, I am bus. The bus is operated by a team at the Bath based charity I Can & I Am which visits schools to deliver vital messages to pupils and staff about how to maintain good mental health and improve self-esteem. The children talked about how they could express their emotions and how to resolve negative feelings. The best bit was making and eating their own pizzas! They all had a lovely time.
We were so proud of all the children who signed up for the Poetry Slam, they were so brave to perform their chosen poem in front of the entire school. The school then voted for their favourite.
Last week all of KS2 took part in England Rocks on TT Rockstars, we did so well and it was a great opportunity for some of our more reluctant Rockstars to take part and enjoy the culture of TT Rockstars.
Another fabulous week here in Stonehenge class. We are making great progress with our Talk for Writing unit inspired by the book Street Child by Berlie Doherty.
We have had some amazing visitors to our school this week. Firstly, Ruth came to visit us on Wednesday. She told us all about the faith of Judaism and we found out lots of information, wrote some Hebrew and we put on some authentic Jewish clothing. We had a wonderful afternoon with Ruth and we look forward to seeing her again.
On Thursday, we had a special visit from Dave the tortoise. Laura and Kitty bought Dave around the class for the children to meet. We got to feel his shell, hold him and tickle his back. We all loved meeting him!
What an amazing experience our Year 6 pupils had this week. We visited one of the science labs at Dauntsey’s School and investigated what would happen to the flame of a Bunsen burner when you add different chemicals. We had such an amazing time and learnt so much about chemical reactions.
Having fun with some VR headsets!
This week, we have begun to explore electrical circuits. We have learned about what electricity is, the fact that it can be dangerous and how an electrical circuit works. The children have enjoyed creating their circuits and they have drawn their circuits using the correct symbols. They will build on their skills next week when they combine their science knowledge with their DT learning.
This week, we have started our new art unit. We are learning how to draw portraits. We have been sitting, posing and drawing the head and shoulders of our friends. It has been so much fun. We have also looked at how to draw individual facial features. The children have been focused and they have really enjoyed the calm and relaxed art environment.
We are continuing to develop our understanding of electrical circuits. We spent time on Wednesday afternoon exploring more complex circuits and we have been using buzzers and motors in our circuits. We have loved learning about how circuits work.