Class Blog
Week beginning 3rd February
Sarum have had another busy week in school. They have been learning all about number facts to five. They used a song to help them notice what makes a 5. We also used a splat game to cover counters.
The children had lots of fun using the Chatterkid app. They wrote sentences about the animals and then recorded funny sentences in the app.
Outside the children have been building their core strength to help with their writing and balance Some children have also been working on building their co-ordination with kicking balls to one another as well.
In forest school this week Sarum created some fat balls to feed the birds and a small pot.
Week beginning 27th January
Sarum have had another busy week of learning. They have been focusing on number facts up to 5. Sarum have used these number facts to show how you can make 5.
They have been busy becoming explorers just like Shakleton. They have also created some writing with a suitcase template. Once they completed their suitcase writing they drew a map for their own island. Sarum thought about all the places they could include on the maps they created whether they are real or imagined.
Sarum have learnt about the Lunar new year this week and created some cards as well.
Lastly, the children investigated cool colours. They looked at different blues, using pen, crayons and pastels. Sarum then progressed to mixing paint.
Week beginning 20th January
Sarum have been really busy with their learning this week. They have focused lots of maths terminology one more, taller and smaller. They completed this learning by creating a staircase design to show one more for each step.
We innovated our talk for writing story 'Lost and found' and changed some of the characters and the destination we had lots of ideas, A unicorn, dinosaur, Peppa pig, fox and a wolf.
Sarum discussed different emotions and how they make us feel. They worked with Y6 to create posters.
Week beginning 13th January
Another busy week in Sarum class this week. We have been busy with our maths checking with our ten frames as well as practicing the numerals up to 6.
The children have enjoyed learning our Talk for Writing model text 'Lost and Found'. Sarum then created their own story on our 'Tell me a story board'.
Outside the children have been busy building their muscles to help with their mark making and writing skills.
Inside the children have been making play dough, this needs lots of strength to stir to make it the correct consistency to play. The children then made different cakes and savory snacks with the play dough.
Week beginning 6th January
A great week after the Christmas holidays for Sarum class. We have been busy with a science experiment learning about how water freezes and whether the amount of water effects how it freezes.
Sarum then recapped subitising using some snow flake cards as well. Two children then created a game with the cards to practice their subitising. The children were introduced to a part whole method. They have discussed this in detail and have all done really well.
Forest school this week we have focused on bird watching and how we can look at the different birds that come to school. We created our own den to hide in to be able to see the birds that visit our school.
Week beginning 9th December
Sarum have had another fun filled busy week. They worked really hard with the Nativity as they completed the final performance to parents this week along with Silbury and Savernake. Sarum had lots of fun.
They have practiced math vocabulary for shapes learning about a curved face and a flat face. They have used this maths language when describing shapes including corners and edges. Sarum have also recapped ‘more than’, ‘less than’, and ‘equal’, we used blueberries to demonstrate this.
We have also been busy with our mark making this week. The children have drawn some trees, stockings and leaves.
Week beginning 2nd December
This week in Sarum we have had a lovely week filled with learning and excitement. We have been busy learning the songs and our parts for the nativity play as well as recapping some of our maths. Sarum recapped longest, shortest and longer and smaller maths terminology and have been able to recognise equal confidently this week.
They have had a fantastic time in Dauntsey Forest School. They created some amazing pictures on the floor, they then explored the play area climbing trees and going through huge tree trunks. What a week Sarum!! Well done.
Week beginning 25th November
This week in Sarum we have had a visitor come and teach us about the religion Judaism. We learnt about Shabbat and how they read the holy texts from a Torah which is a scroll instead of a book. We now know that the stories are very similar to the bible but the 'Toarh' is written in an ancient language called Hebrew. Sarum also investigated seeds inside squash this week and learnt that they are all similar but the seeds vary in size depending on how big the squash is. They have been busy recapping maths terminology for subitising to 4 as well as 'more', 'fewer' and 'equal'
Week beginning 18th November
Another fun filled week in Sarum, the children have been busy reinforcing and learning new vocabulary. We focused on subitising to 5 this week and using the maths terminology of more or fewer when using fast eyes and when counting as well. The children learnt a rhyme as well to help them. The children used their observation skills to draw details of a leaf in the mornings showing the veins in the leaf as well as the details of the outside of the leaf. Sarum have also had fun innovating the 'Talk for writing' story 'The little red hen' they changed some of the characters as well as the end product the hen was making to a cake instead of bread. They had lots of fun doing this discussing what we should change the characters too. Finally, we used our art skills to stencil with paints and sponges making sure to hold the stencil down firmly and not move while we used a sponge to add paint.
Week beginning 11th November
Another busy week in Sarum, the children have building strength in their fingers with our activity with the squash in 'Funky Fingers' they needed to hammer the sticks in and then pull them out. The children have learnt more maths terminology when practising subitsing looking at more or fewer than 4. We have been learning our new story in class which is 'The Little Red Hen'. The children have been practicing their arm, finger and core strength in all areas this week including using paintbrushes to clean the tractor and creating images with chalk as well as climbing in gymnastics for P.E. Finally, we celebrated Pudsey on Friday by creating a mask with our very own bandana design.
Week beginning 4th November
This week in Sarum we have been busy learning lots of different skills and language in maths: from biggest to smallest, heavier and lighter as well as the size of the girth with the different types of squash. We have also been discussing different festivals from around the world. We learnt about how and when different festivals are celebrated and why lights are used. We learnt about bonfire night and created our own fireworks on black paper. We discussed and read about Diwali and then started to create our own Diya's. We have had a fun filled week learning as well as exercising to help build our strength for writing.
Week beginning 14th October
This week in Sarum class we have had a visitor to discuss how we need to look after our teeth. We learnt about the different types of food that are good and bad for our teeth.
Sarum class have also been busy learning more letters and have practised at home and in class. We have been decorating pumpkins previously and the children wanted to see how many of them could fit on the pumpkin.